Monday, January 17, 2011

Take that Ashton Kutcher

Today for Meatless Monday I will be having lemon juice, maple syrup, and a little cayenne pepper in some water for dinner. I think that I am just a little crazy. After Christmas, my daughter and I were feeling slightly overfed and in need of a little cleaning of our systems. We crazily began making plans to do the master cleanse. It is something that has always intrigued me and thought that if I had a partner to commiserate with during my ten days of torture that I might actually give it a try. Each day gets a little easier I think simply because you get closer to the end. I didn’t realize how much of my life revolves around food. Even though I am not currently eating any thing that I can actually sink my teeth into, when the hunger pains hit, I still find myself planning what I should eat next. And then sadly I remember it is some more of that drink. At the end of the day, I will be halfway to a Kneaders Veggie Delite Sandwich. While doing a little schooling about the cleanse on the web, I discovered that Ashton Kutcher tweeted about his intentions to start the cleanse. Sadly for him, he didn’t bother to see if he could make it through day one before alerting the world of his plans. He only lasted 6 hours on the diet. I figured I could at the very least outlast his efforts.

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